Updates from Women's Ministry!

Women's Ministry has been planning for when we can get together again.

Here are some of the things to watch for:

  • September Bible Study- "Why Do You Believe That?"

  • High Braes Retreat- Oct. 16 & 17

  • Lunch @ Home Team Pub

  • Putt Putt & Ice Cream

  • Movie Night

  • Brunch

If you'd like to be on the email list and are not yet, please let Linda J know - OceanJackson@yahoo.com

Josh Amidon

Hi, I'm Josh and when I'm not sipping tea with princesses or dropping sick beats, I'm a marketing nerd with the superpower to help small business owners make the most of their marketing budgets.   

Also, I like to use commas to make long sentences. Sometimes I like to splice them — I apologize in advance to anyone who appreciates good grammar.