A Message from Our Pastor

Dear Orchard Family,

I hope that this letter finds you in good health and full of hope as we face these difficult times together.  Nichole and I have been praying for each of you and we believe that these trying times have the potential to sharpen our edge Spiritually as well as bind us together in even a greater way. Since the beginning of the Orchard you have often heard me say that the church is not a location or a building, but we are a community of believers devoted to the apostles’ teaching, the fellowship, the breaking of bread and prayer (Acts 2:42). Over the next several months we will be given the opportunity to live this out. 

Regarding our weekly gatherings, there is much that has already changed and we are uncertain of when and where we will be able to gather again physically. As many of you know, we have started doing church online on Sunday evenings at 6:30pm. I am also leading a live video Bible discussion on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm.  Both of these venues can be accessed through our website www.orchardcny.com.  As the restrictions for gatherings of people are lifted we will reassess when we can physically gather together again. 

Our website is a great resource for announcements as well as opportunities for you to give financially. As always, when we give it is an act of worship and it is my prayer that as you feel led you would consider it as such. Whether you choose to give through the website link  or through the traditional mail service, may it first be a cry of worship from your heart. Many of you are continuing to give regularly. Thank you for your generosity. I am humbled and inspired by your faithfulness.  

If you have any questions, a prayer request or would just like to talk, feel free to use any of the following means to get in touch with me. I love you all and thank God that he has allowed me to be a part of this community of believers!  

See you soon!   Justin 

The Orchard Office           315 288-0503

PO Box 333                        Email - Justin@orchardcny.com

Clay NY 13041                   Website - www.orchardcny.com

Josh Amidon

Hi, I'm Josh and when I'm not sipping tea with princesses or dropping sick beats, I'm a marketing nerd with the superpower to help small business owners make the most of their marketing budgets.   

Also, I like to use commas to make long sentences. Sometimes I like to splice them — I apologize in advance to anyone who appreciates good grammar.